Let me tell you a story..

Edo No Jidai
1 min readMar 7, 2021

.. Okay. That’s how its supposed to start isn’t it?
Well, anyway, stories are better told with a hook, line and sinker clickbait title that people are so used to, that their interest is piqued to see how the odds will even up this time around. Or vice versa.

Or I am completely wrong.
More reason to find if I am right.
Okay, point break. This story takes us 40 years back someday in the Bronx.
The birth of a movement. When spoken word poetry, and DJ’ing and block parties were taking over the sociopolitical climate as an artform.

It was rebuttal in the most plainest sense. The young and growing Zeitgeist’s rebuttal against the norms of the past. It would find counterparts in the same artform and other genres of music in days to come.

Times have changed. A time period that has seen a million different ways of how the artform was viewed, produced and consumed. A time period that saw record labels shut shop and indie artists start selling records and earn streaming revenue from the online stores of cyberspace.

(To Be Continued)

